Need a Free Consultation from a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me? Here's How to Find One

Need a Free Consultation from a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me? Here's How to Find One

Need a Free Consultation from a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me? Here's How to Find One

If you’ve been in a car accident and are looking for an attorney to help you pursue compensation, the first thing you might think to do is ask friends or family members for recommendations. 

While this can be helpful, it can also be misleading; they may not have all the information they need to make an objective decision about which lawyer would be best suited to your case. 

To find an accident lawyer with whom you’re comfortable doing business, take these steps to locate one who will provide a free consultation without requiring you to make any commitment in advance of your first meeting.

Pick Your State

You may want to start by simply doing some Internet research. You’ll likely be able to find several free consultation accident lawyers who practice near you. 

The next step is to pick your state, city or county (if applicable), and key search terms (such as car accident lawyer free consultation, personal injury attorney free consultation, etc.). Start with Google – and remember that you should include your local area code if available.

Choose Injury Type

Although you should absolutely take time after an accident (or injury) to get professional medical attention if you need it, don’t wait for your doctor’s say-so in order to contact an attorney. 

Your healthcare provider will likely ask if you are planning on filing legal action, and since his or her office has a vested interest in steering patients toward their own practice, it might be difficult for you to get an objective opinion about your case. 

It is best that you consult with a free consultation car accident lawyer near me instead. Choose Injury Type - Choose Injury Type

Get Qualified Attorneys

As you search for a free consultation car accident lawyer near me, start by asking friends, family and neighbors for referrals. 

Other good places to start are local organizations like chambers of commerce and community boards. If they can't help you find a good local attorney, they may have suggestions on where you can search online or who has good advertising in their region. 

You can also check out sites that offer ratings and reviews of attorneys in your area, although take these with a grain of salt as there are no standard criteria or procedures for how attorney reviews are compiled. For more information about how best to choose an attorney, visit FindLaw’s Information for Finding an Attorney page.

File with the Court

If you have been injured in an accident and want to seek legal counsel, it’s important that you get in touch with an attorney. 

In many cases, filing a personal injury claim is not only helpful but it’s also required. To file with your local court, call or email your lawyer. 

Many personal injury attorneys offer free consultations and will be happy to go over your case without any obligation on your part.

Collect Money

First and foremost, you need to collect on your settlement. Most car accidents involve insurance companies (the source of most settlements). 

You should contact your insurance company as soon as possible after being involved in an accident, both to file a claim and also to make sure that you’re properly covered for what happened. 

If you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, then don't assume that you will be compensated for lost wages or medical expenses without filing a claim.

Update Your Medical Records

If you’re injured, it’s important to update your health records as soon as possible. This way your doctor will have access to more information about your accident—such as details about which medications you take and any past injuries or surgeries that may be related. 

For example, if you were in a car accident and hurt your back, you should let your doctor know because an existing injury could aggravate an injury caused by an auto crash. 

By updating your medical records immediately after an accident, you give yourself more chances of getting compensation for all of your injuries.

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